David Mallia


Happiness as a major factor in life fulfillment

If there is one thing that the COVID-19 pandemic has taught me, is to take decisions based on how fulfilling and happy they make me. Life is too short to go down the wrong path and not take a chance on something you have always dreamed about. Circumstances to an extent dictate what decision you can and...

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Lack of motivation during Covid times

Imagine this: a Tuesday morning, a notepad full of things to do, university deadlines approaching, yet we get nothing done all day. Something which I have been experiencing a number of times during these past few months. A feeling which has to do with waking up late and also procrastinating while stuck at home. Since the first...

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The year 2020

An extraordinary year that has tested each and every one of us including myself. 2020, a journey like no other. Here are the lessons that I will be taking from this year.  Never give up. There is light at the end of the tunnel;  Be patient. It is not the ability to wait. It is the ability...

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Knowing when to have a break

In life, things tend to happen so fast that we never stop to think and evaluate a situation or moment. One time you’re at work, tirelessly finishing tasks that have been assigned. Another time, you are studying hard for exams which are coming up. Other times, you are trying to enjoy some free time with family and...

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My opinion about ‘paid by exposure’

Throughout my time as a photographer and at University, this topic has surfaced a number of times. And my opinion is quite simple and straightforward. Anyone who dedicates a number of hours doing work within their area of expertise should be PAID irrelevant of the amount of knowledge one has in that area. How is exposure work...

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Going cashless in Malta. Does it work?

Through this article, I will be giving a small overview of how I moved to a cashless system in Malta and my several observations while doing so. I always imagined a world where we get rid of physical money. It takes up space, gets lost, and even deteriorates by time. And let’s be honest. We all hate...

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“A week of camp life is worth 6 months of theoretical teaching”

Between the 3rd and the 6th of August, I camped at the Ghajn Tuffieha Scout Campsite together with the 1st Sliema Rover Crew Scouts. It was a week filled with loads of activities and new adventures. The activities included pioneering projects, backwoods cooking, kayaking, high-rope activities, swimming, cooking, scout bread making & campfire. The skills that are gained from these projects...

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