Education / Personal Views · 2020-11-30 0

Student representative elections on FEMA & Senate boards at the University Of Malta

I am pleased to announce that I have submitted my application to become a student representative on the faculty board of FEMA at the University Of Malta. For the first time as well, I have submitted my application for Senate.Since the first time I entered UOM, I always felt that I could give more, especially in the aspect of representation. After several experiences of representation on the Faculty Board of the Faculty of Media & Knowledge Sciences and as the ex-president of the Media & Knowledge Sciences Association, it is time, especially during these times, to give more.The main points that I will be pushing for in FEMA & Senate are as follows:

  1. post-COVID-19 strategy for students returning back to campus. Making university lectures accessible post-COVID-19, Increasing the health infrastructure present at UOM & FEMA.
  2. Mental Health – Increasing UOM students’ accessibility to mental health services within the health and wellness center;
  3. Increasing UOM’s online knowledge library via HYDI, OAR and gaining more databases for our students;
  4. Tackle the current construction and parking challenges present on campus by making temporary arrangements available. This will be especially important once students start to make a gradual return after a vaccine is issued;
  5. Graduation Ceremonies – Push for graduation ceremonies to be held after the 1st semester. This will not interrupt studies that graduating students may have continued at the same University.
  6. Attend to student organization’s needs – Aiding them infrastructurally by helping them cover costs such as obtaining a website and a domain. This will help them increase their exposure and the work which they do throughout the year (this is especially aimed at small organizations aiming at increasing their memberships and their exposure);
  7. Timetables & Results – A push for timely issuance of timetables and results. This has always been an issue at university and I believe that through proper mediation, we will be able to achieve this.
  8. Balancing a course with a part-time job – UOM sometimes does not understand that students have to balance a course while also working at the same time. The stipend which is provided would not be enough for them to sustain their lifestyles, especially those who rent a place where to live. I will be working together with all concerned parties, to help students achieve the balance which is required.

Feel free to contact me for further clarification of these points if need be.

My last blog post